Monday, May 9, 2011

discovery of little beasts

We all like gazing at the fragile beauty of the colorful butterflies or moths when they flutter gracefully through the air. However, it is unbelievable that the origins of these beautiful and colorful creatures are the creepy insects. Therefore, we shouldn’t forget that they may be very harmful for our health. Toxic caterpillars can be found everywhere in our environment such as on some trees in our garden. Some of them often protect themselves with substances that are really bad for us. Here are top ten most beautiful but dangerously toxic caterpillars on earth. These species may attract you because of their graceful appearance, but don’t forget that they may have extremely toxic substances in their bodies.

the saddleback caterpillar

When people are affected by Saddleback caterpillars, the affected area will be swells up. They will feel sick and got nasty rash that takes days to clear up.

When people affected by saddleback caterpillar,that affected area will swell up.They will may also feel sick and got nasty rush that takes days to clear up.
The Cinnibar Moth caterpillar
Colorful appearance and bitter taste make Cinnibar Moth caterpillar inedible for other predators. Their toxic short hairs can also cause serious health problems in humans.

Colourful and attractive appearance with bitter taste must be the reason why this cinnibar so inedible to predators.Toxic from their short hair may cause serios health problem for human!

The monarch caterpillar

The Monarch is one among the most beautiful butterflies with bright colors such as red and yellow. They are not harmful to the tough, but extremely poisonous because of the plants they eat
Monarch catepillar is one of the most caterpillar with bright colour such as yeallow and red.They're not harmful to the tought but poisonous based on the plants that they eat.

The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

The gypsy moth caterpillar is a long-haired, highly colored specimen. Its hair can cause pain and lead to dermatitis among sensitive people.
This type of caterpillar is a long-haired and highly coloyured specimen.Its hair can cause pain and lead to dermatitis among sensitive person.

The Spiny Oak Slug Caterpillar

The spiny oak slug is an attractive and colorful caterpillar. However, they are painful to the touch, often causing a rash.
Attractive and colourful caterpillar.However they can cause to painful to the touch and often causing rush

The Bag Shelter Caterpillar

You shouldn’t touch Bag Shelter caterpillars because they are regarded as one among the worst caterpillars.
Never touch Beg Shelter Caterpillar because its regard as the most worst caterpillar

People who unfortunately touch one of these can easily bleed to death because its venom is highly anti-coagulant.
People who unfortunately touch one of these can easily bleed to death because its venom is highly anti-coagulant

The Puss Caterpillar

The Puss Caterpillar is the most poisonous caterpillar in the USA. They look like cotton balls so people may pick them up and really suffer for its poisonous spines.
The Puss Caterpillar is listed as the most poisonous caterpillar in USA.Its look like cotton ball.Therefore,it may attract people to pick them and that people will really suffer from its poisonous spines.

The Stinging Rose Caterpillar

The Stinging Rose caterpillar is one of the most colorful and attractive caterpillars on the earth. The little beast can be found in apple, oak, and sycamore, so be aware if you have these trees in your garden.
The Stinging Rose Caterpillar is one of most colourful and attractive caterpillars on earth.These little beast can be found in apple,oak and sycamore.So beware if u have these plants in ur garden

The Hickory Tussock Caterpillar

The Hickory Tussock is one of the beautiiful caterpillars.But once u touch it,u will fell itchy and painful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

sakit sgt..kli ne sgt skit.sumpah aku asa nk nngis puas2.nk taw spa ag?aku ada spa sgt la yg nk dgq.mta skit gila..dh klabu sgt.dh bngkak..bodohnya..sbb bnda yg dia nk..bye.i love u

Thursday, March 10, 2011


i got a problem with myself.
well,its about me,n  me with others..i mean,y i became like this?
like what??like far from others,friends,family..ok..i knew it,its bcos of me,,im too defending..defend from wht?hmm,,from being hurt i guess,,but xtualy,that is what exactly i feel right now..
oh?still dont get it,, for example...ija,intan,q n getting far from them..yah..seriosly..ija bcos of what she did to me..n there must b a reason why she did that.of cos even a little,the reason must be from me,my ownself!right?intan..u could say almost everyday we got fight.n the latest,about my new fault i i left him...we are not as happy as before,as cheerful as usual,,shyo,,im not no1 or no2 in her list anymore..well,,i dont mind,a bit sad but i know,,i could say the reasons y all this happening to me right now bcos of me,,bcos of my attitude,bcause what i've shown to them.well,magically,they're people who are freaky close to me,,
but they are the people who also i fought the most.
not denied,the one that always understand me(mybe bcos we have a strong chemistry n also share a same attitudes) NUR IZZATI BT AZHAR,we rarely have a fight,i guess she's the one who are able to understand me the most.but not everyone can freaky understand u...really thankful to Allah bcause at least i have 1 friend who could understand the way i am.but i didnt blame them for all these,,i blame myself bcos i make people hard to know my feeling,my way..n my sorry

also sorry for the grammar..

Sunday, February 20, 2011


ssh gla a
nk smbnyi2..pnat la..skit jiwa
okeh..slh aku.aku dan aku
haaa..please laaa..tataw dh neeeeeeeeee
npa la aku cmneeee
cam dh xdak spa dh aku bole gtaw feelingggg aku...
please replyyyy backkkkkkkkk
talk to me pleaseeeee
i really need that
reallyyy la bodowhhhhhhhhhhh
gila ccacat hg neee bongowkkkkkk343984934x
dh xda bnda nk ckp kan?fine..dont call me anymore because everytime  u did that to me i feeeeeelll so stupid and feel that im such a useless for u,PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME ANYMORE IF U HAVE NOTHING TO SAY other than make me feel sad,feell like im babbling to my stupid self!!!!!!!
what a nuisance feelinggg..moron ika.MORONNNNNN
sumanya salah aku la sbb aku ne bongowkk sgt...mmbosankan mnusai laen okehhh
hipoktrit xrty nk gtaw feeling sndrii..pstu bla dh sarat lam palotak dh nk bkarattttttttttt bru nk glaaa kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...................i feel like i have no one right nowwwwwww
i do have a bestfriendssss butttt sjfsdajdhgeuieubcbsneiweuqmenbwqrmeehjrknberyucb
N i do have a bf but im sooooooooooooooooooooo
idiooooooooooooooooottt bcause AKU ne mmbosankan..tataw nk ckp apa...ps2 mrepek2...
ada kwn tp aku ne mmg xrtyy nk expressssssssssssssssssssssssssss
im empty..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

penat nk paham n pnt ntuk memahami
xkan suma bnda nk kongkong..
bknnya bnatang..mnusia..ada life sndri..ada minded sndri..ada cara sndri
xkan xphm mnusia?

Friday, January 14, 2011


hai blog kusam
da lma xpost entry kt sni
sian kan..
bla dh xda spa nk cita
bru cri blog ne..
mmg ponn..aku mmg jht..=)
xhrgai org len
xhrgai pa yg aku dpt..
xrti bsyukur
pngai pon..hmm..
mmg da bnyak org xpuas aty pon
its okay..
hg pon sma ka?
xska aku?sbb aku cri tme sdih ja kan~
ntah la..sja ja msok sni..
feel so lonely rght now
ntah la..
npa la ngan aku ne..hishh
slalu bg skit aty org....
aku bg skit aty aku pon..aku bkn asa apa..
xda prasaann.bak kta smua org....
mmg xda ka?
but how about now??
still feelingless?
ne kra feelingless la kan?
bole lg mlawak2
tp aty asa plikk laa
sgt3 skit...sbb apa?bcos i love him.
xda spa nk pcya..even dia ponn..xpla if da xsyg..aku xksh..
y?sbb aku xda feeling =)
aku da xmrh dhh spa nk ckp aku smua2 2..
sbb bnda btol..aku slalu silap..kdg2 org knal dri kta lbih dri kta knal dri
dorg ckp aku cm2..aku mmg cm2 okayh?
snyummmmm =D
jgn nk kontroversi sgt zulaikhaaaa!
npa xbole brenti type neee....??
xtualy..sgt sdih.sgt..but im feelingless person..
so..dont cry ika!
be a robot girl!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

tak best aa skang ne
asyik2 gdo je
pnt la
ilang mood taw x....
single is better?
xkta la nk break.